Finally a higher mountain and a good weather forecast at the same time! Recently, it has been dry weather in Capadocia so we hoped that the conditions on the highest peak of Central Anatolia – Erciyes Dagi would be good. Filming in Capadocia took longer then expected, therefore we arrived to the Erciyes ski resort as it was already dark. From this place we wanted to set off for our tour – this means some 1700 vertical metres.
Sleeping in Submarine (our car) is perfect, therefore in the morning we started as the first sun rays already hit the northeast face of Erciyes Dagi. We ascended the first 500 vertical metres on the slopes quite quickly and continued towards the face. We had planned to climb and ski down the central couloir – the Angel´s route. In the end, we climbed up the couloir to the left, which is less exposed to stone fall from the towers and where we could follow older tracks.
The Anatolian sun was strong and the snow was getting soft quick even above 3000 metres. At midday we reached the Eastern summit and it was clear to us that it would be better to start the ski-descent immediately, i.e. before the central couloir would fall into shadow. Therefore, we left the Western (main) summit – a small tower of loose rock a bit further along the ridge – for the next time.
From the Eastern summit we skied down a narrow ridge towards the central couloir. The starting ramp of the couloir was quite steep although the 60 degrees which somebody stated on is in our view over exaggerated. Then we enjoyed a great steep skiing along the towers beside the couloir, on the edge of sun light and shadow and sometimes in older powder snow. Softer spring snow led us than to the bottom of the basin. Surprisingly interesting and somewhat demanding ski-descent!
Central couloir of the north-east face of Ercieyes Dagi , Angel´s route, the entry ramp approx. 53 degrees., than 48 degrees, length of the couloir approx. 700m.

A mosque next to super-modern lifts, very easy slopes – welcome to Turkey

Ascending on the slopes of the ski-resort

Approaching the face. It looks to be close but it´s not

White kingdom – I like

Unstable towers around the couloirs

Sahara! …Resting during the ascent in the couloir

Rocky formations on the ridge

On the Eastern summit of Erciyes Dag (3880 metres)

A hurá dolů – po hřebínku a za hranu do žlabu

Upper, steeper part of the couloir

After a beautiful tour and a piknique – let´s go for an ayran!