In the company of Czech climbing stars Adam Ondra and Lucka Hrozová our last year´s project One World, Two Skis was awarded as the best Czech Ski-mountaineering project of the year by the Czech Mountaineering Association. Big thank, it is honour for us!
And again a big thank to all our partners who helped us made our long journey happen.
Big respect to the climbs awarded in other categories… e.g. rock climbing, ice or moutnain climbs. In 2015 Czech climbers and mountaineers did a great job! You can find more info here and here.
Adámek suší finálovou cestu
Lucka Hrozová výrazně zvýšila estetickou atraktivnost předávacího ceremoniálu
hurá, dortíky!
Foto: Standa Mitáč (eMontana) and Tomáš Lisý