On the road to the Balkans
Finally on the road! We stopped in Brno to get some more supplies and continued to Vienna where we picked up our passports. We have the Iranian, Uzbek, Turkmen and Tajik visa. To get the Turkmen visa was a big hassle. In the end we were successful thanks to Tatjana and Pavel from the agency Moravia Contact and our friend Iva, who kept visiting the embassies in Vienna.
Our car – we call it “Submarine” – has been working perfect so far. Great thanks to Karol Suchy (called „Karlíto“) who prepared it for this journey! With several hundred kg of equipment and supplies on the roof and in the car we drive slowly and keep a very nice average consumption of 16 litres per 100 km.
In the inland mountains of Croatia there is more snow then in our Jizerske Mountains. Now we are driving along the sleepy Croatian coast and heading to Bosnia.

Turkmenská tranzitní víza – velmi cenný suvenýr!
The Turkem visa – a very valuable souvenir
Ospalé jadranské pobřeží
Sleepy Adriatic coast